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Mr Sanjay Agrawal

FRCS (Gen. Surg), FASMBS

Consultant Bariatric Surgeon


Weight Loss Surgery Benefits and Procedures

Weight loss surgery can help if you are struggling to lose weight or you need to lose weight faster because of a health problem. If you’re considering getting weight loss surgery in London then you can visit the Private Gastric Sleeve Clinic for personalised advice. We also offer weight loss surgery in Hertfordshire and Essex. … Continue reading Weight Loss Surgery Benefits and Procedures

Can Teenagers Have a Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Obesity is a growing problem in the UK and it is affecting many of us from a young age. It is estimated that 36% of 11-15 year olds in England are overweight or obese.

Who Do You Share Your Weight Loss Experiences With?

Hearing about other people’s weight loss stories can be great. It can help you to stay motivated and makes you feel like you’re not alone. You can find lots of these stories online and in magazines, like the recent success story of a woman who lost more than 7 stone after getting gastric sleeve surgery … Continue reading Who Do You Share Your Weight Loss Experiences With?

Why Choose Mr Sanjay Agrawal for your Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

If you’re planning on having private gastric sleeve surgery in the UK then it’s essential to choose the right surgeon to perform the procedure.

Timeline for Gastric Sleeve Surgery

If you’re planning to have gastric sleeve surgery, then you’ll need to commit to a process that will take many months. You’ll also need to make permanent changes to your lifestyle.

What Are the Advantages of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery has helped many people to achieve their weight loss goals, but it is a significant medical procedure. You need to be sure that this is the best choice for you. Why should you consider having a sleeve gastrectomy?

Who Qualifies for a Gastric Sleeve?

Gastric sleeve surgery can help you to achieve your weight loss goals, but it isn’t the right choice for everybody. You will need to meet certain eligibility criteria in order to have this procedure. You’ll also need to think carefully about whether this is the best option for you.

What Are The Risks and Complications Involved in Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery can have a lot of benefits, but it’s important to be aware of the risks too. Any kind of surgery can cause complications, some of which could be very serious. You’ll need to discuss these in detail with your doctor, but read on to get an idea of the possible side effects … Continue reading What Are The Risks and Complications Involved in Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Take Control of Your Weight Loss Surgery With Private Treatment

Private gastric sleeve surgery offers numerous advantages over waiting for treatment on the NHS. Some of the biggest advantages come from the extra control you will have over when, where and how you will be treated. Although you will still be guided by your doctor, choosing private gastric sleeve surgery means that you will have … Continue reading Take Control of Your Weight Loss Surgery With Private Treatment

Which Foods Can You Eat After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Your diet will change dramatically after you have your private gastric sleeve surgery at our clinic in London. At first, you will need to avoid eating solid foods at all while your stomach heals. Even after you have recovered, you will need to watch what you eat very carefully in order to make your weight … Continue reading Which Foods Can You Eat After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?


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